Augmented reality is the next big thing. You’ve probably seen it in action with apps like Pokémon GO and Snapchat filters. With AR, you can add digital information or creatures to your real-world environment on top of what’s already there—and it’s fascinating stuff! But like any new technology, AR has its limitations. Here are some things to keep in mind if you want to use AR in your own projects:
AR can’t replace the physical world.
Of course, you can’t replace the physical world. AR isn’t a substitute for reality; it’s an augmentation of it. If you’re walking down the street and see an interesting building, you can use AR to learn more about it by looking at its name and address in your phone’s camera viewfinder. Or if someone shows up at your door with flowers from their garden, maybe they’ll let you take a picture of them against the backdrop of lush greenery that surrounds their house–and then share that photo with friends on social media when they’re not around!
That said: while augmented reality has plenty of potential applications within educational settings (such as museums), we should be careful not to overstate its usefulness in these situations either. For example: one could argue that using AR glasses would allow students visiting museums or historical sites better access than ever before…but there are also downsides that must be considered here as well (ease-of-use issues being chief among them).
AR doesn’t work well in bright light.
AR, like all digital technologies, has its limitations. It’s important that you know what those are so you can make the most of your experience with augmented reality.
The first and most obvious limitation is that AR doesn’t work well in bright light. This means that if you’re outside on a sunny day and want to use your phone’s AR feature for some reason–say, to play Pokémon Go–you’re going to have a bad time! The same goes for brightly lit rooms: if your room has lots of windows or bright overhead lights (like my own bedroom), then chances are good that any attempt at using an AR app will result in failure because it will be too hard for the camera sensors on your phone/tablet/computer screen etcetera…
You need a good camera and processor to get the best result.
You can use an AR app on your phone, but it’ll only be as good as the camera and processor inside.
If you want to get the best possible results, make sure your phone has a good camera and processor.
People can see what you’re doing even if you don’t want them to.
One of the biggest drawbacks to augmented reality is that it doesn’t make you invisible. In fact, people can see what you’re doing even if you don’t want them to.
If someone has an AR device and they see you using it, they’ll know exactly what’s going on–even if they don’t know what exactly “it” is or why someone would be doing it in public. They may not understand that this technology exists and therefore think something odd is taking place right before their eyes; perhaps even more disconcerting is when someone does understand what’s happening but still finds it strange enough for them to look away from their phone screen and stare directly at yours instead (which might feel awkward).
Finally, there’s no guarantee that people will like it when you put a digital creature into their space.
Finally, there’s no guarantee that people will like it when you put a digital creature into their space.
AR is not always well received. People can feel invaded by the technology, or they can be annoyed by the way it disrupts the flow of everyday life. If you’re going to use AR as a way to get attention, try to make sure that it’s positive attention–and don’t assume that everyone will appreciate your efforts!
Augmented reality isn’t perfect, but it’s still pretty cool
Augmented reality is still a new technology, and it’s not perfect. The limitations of AR are real, but they can be overcome with careful planning and execution.
Augmented reality isn’t going to replace the physical world–but that doesn’t mean it’s not useful! It can be used for some pretty cool things:
Augmented reality is still a new technology, so it’s not surprising that there are some limitations. But we think these are the most important to know about before you dive into AR experiences. The good news is that as the technology continues to improve, these issues will become less of an obstacle and more of an opportunity for us all!
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