February 17, 2025

Ashlyn Steppello

Wireless Connectivity

Edge Computing: Getting Real-Time Data From The Edge

Edge Computing: Getting Real-Time Data From The Edge


Today’s businesses need to track data and make decisions quickly. This means they need access to the latest information in real time, no matter where that information is stored. Traditional cloud computing models are built around storing all of your data in one centralized location based on what’s most convenient for developers or IT teams. But with edge computing, you can store and process data at the “edge” of your network—the closest point possible to where it’s being used. This approach has many advantages over traditional cloud computing methods:

Edge Computing: Getting Real-Time Data From The Edge

What is Edge Computing?

Edge computing is a data processing model that allows for real-time data processing and analysis at the edge of a network. It’s used to process and analyze data at the edge of a network, where it’s being collected. This can improve performance and efficiency, as well as reduce latency (the amount of time between when something happens and when you get feedback about it).

Edge computing can also help make sure that more critical information gets through during times when there are high levels of congestion on cellular networks or other types of communication channels.

To understand why edge compute matters so much, let’s take a closer look at what happens when we start moving toward more connected devices:

How Edge Computing Differs From Traditional Data Processing

The difference between edge computing and traditional data processing is that it involves moving the data closer to where it will be consumed. This allows for faster response times and more efficient use of network and computing resources.

Edge computing can also differ from cloud computing, fog computing, and IoT in certain scenarios:

  • Cloud computing refers to storing and accessing information over the internet (think Amazon Web Services). In this scenario, your data resides somewhere else–typically on servers located in large data centers owned by companies like Google or Facebook–and you access it through an internet connection. Edge devices are often connected directly to the internet but don’t store any critical information themselves; instead they rely on other systems like clouds or fog networks for storage purposes only.”

When Is The Right Time To Use Edge Computing?

When you’re looking to reduce latency, cut down on network traffic and costs, or simplify your data center architecture and operations, edge computing can be a good fit.

How Can You Benefit From Edge Computing?

With the help of edge computing, you can reduce latency, increase security and performance, and increase data accuracy.

  • Reduce Latency

Decreasing the time taken for a message to travel from one end point to another is critical for business success in today’s digital age. With edge computing, you can achieve significant reductions in latency by sending messages directly between devices rather than through centralized servers or cloud services–and this means faster response times when it comes to making decisions based on real-time insights.

  • Increase Data Accuracy

With more accurate data being delivered at the right time–in real time–you can make better informed decisions that improve customer engagement while also boosting productivity throughout your organization (for example: by reducing manual work).

How Does It Work?

Edge computing is a form of data processing that takes place at the edge of a network, as opposed to in a centralized location. The term “edge” refers to the last mile of a network, so it’s often used interchangeably with “fog” or “fog computing.”

Fog computing is a type of cloud infrastructure where resources are distributed closer to end users than traditional cloud servers would be located–it can be accessed via local networks and devices (e.g., laptops, phones). Because of this distribution model, fog computing allows for faster response times and lower latency than traditional cloud services offer; it also enables new use cases across industries like manufacturing or healthcare where real-time responses are crucial for success.

What Are The Challenges Of Edge Computing?

The first challenge is cost. Edge computing devices are more expensive than traditional cloud or server hardware, and they require specialized software and hardware to run them. The second challenge is power consumption. Since edge devices are typically located in remote locations where there’s limited access to electricity, they often use more power than their centralized counterparts do–and this can lead to higher costs over time as well as environmental concerns like pollution from burning fossil fuels (like diesel fuel) for generators or solar panels that don’t work at night when clouds block sunlight from hitting them properly.

Another major issue is reliability: Because these devices are often deployed in remote areas without easy access by humans who can fix them if something goes wrong, there’s less incentive for manufacturers like Intel or Qualcomm who make these products under contract through third-party vendors like Samsung Electronics Co Ltd., HTC Corp., Sony Corp., Huawei Technologies Co Ltd., ZTE Corp., LG Electronics Inc..

With the right strategy, edge computing can help you get even closer to real-time data.

Edge computing is a powerful tool for getting real-time data to your people, no matter where they are. With the right strategy and technology, you can make sure that your team has access to all the information they need without sacrificing performance or security.

It’s important to understand what makes edge computing so valuable before diving into how it works or when it should be used. Let’s start with some basics:


Edge computing is a huge step forward for companies that want to get real-time data from their devices. It also has a lot of potential for improving the way we live our lives and interact with technology. However, there are some challenges involved with this new technology–for example, not all devices can run edge computing software at this point in time. But given enough time (and investment), we hope that edge computing will become an integral part of your life!